Monday, June 13, 2011

Tricky Customer Requests

I tell the truth to customers.  (Especially if we are talking about wine.)  I've learned not to waste my breath on mini-lectures, but I have a hard time letting someone walk away without a tidbit of enlightenment. [the previous statement is null and void if the consumer is impatient, rude, or pushy...then all bets are off]  Anyhow, to get this intro moving along, the following are tricky customer requests that are more about the communication style than what is actually said, which can be sad and also fascinating.

Jane: I'm looking for a red in the $50-$60 range that is sweet for a graduation gift.
Crystal: *pause* Honestly that doesn't exist.  If you want to spend that kind of money on a sweet red then you should get several bottles and make a great gift basket.
Jane: Well, I'm not a wine drinker and I don't know anything about it, but I know she likes sweet and she is health conscious, so she drinks red wine.  I want the perfect commemoration bottle for her graduation.
Crystal: Really, there are some fabulous sweet reds in the world, but if you are paying that much for one then someone is making a great profit off of you.  There are a few exceptions in the world, but we don't carry them here.  Sweet red is not meant to be serious and full of pomp and circumstance.  It's cheap and easy.  I would recommend the Banfi Rosa Regale, but it's only $24.
Jane: That's it?  Well, I'll get it, but I'd better check Lee's too.

She was in a hurry and didn't want to really listen, but I didn't want her to get ripped off!  Wine makes a great gift but if you are considering spending the bucks on it, then know what you are getting into right?  And then I remind myself that with some people, I should just find a way to take as much of their money as I can and let them remain blissfully naive.  Evidently I wasn't quite convincing and telling the truth just doesn't cut it all the time.

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